A year ago we were only just starting on this project. We were planning my trip to the Mass Observation Archive in Brighton and considering the logistics of our intergenerational reading groups. 

Fast forward a year and so much has happened. 

We were fortunate to continue our research in the context of Covid-19 by moving the intergenerational reading groups online. We recruited four groups who met every month for five months. We thoroughly enjoyed the reading groups. It was a privilege to get to know the members of the groups and have fascinating discussions about novels and issues ranging from increased life expectancy, intergenerational relationships and what was in store for us all in the future and perhaps even how we may be able to effect change. 

We’re currently analysing the transcripts from the groups and will have more updates on what we’ve been finding – so watch this space.

We are still in the middle of the global Covid-19 pandemic and have entered our second (or perhaps third) lockdown.

In January 2021 we again find ourselves implementing planning, this time for Stage 3 of our project which will also be moving online. 

We are excited to be working in collaboration with Active Inquiry, an Edinburgh-based theatre and arts activist company, to conduct Online Forum Theatre Workshops and Performances with self-identifying older adults. 

Active Inquiry and the research team will begin by working with a variety of groups and members of the public in a series of introductory online forum theatre workshops to explore and create narratives of the future as we age. 

One of these workshops is open to all self-defined older adults who currently reside in ScotlandHere’s more information and you can sign up via eventbrite:

Reimagining the Future in Older Age – Online theatre workshop

An online drama workshop, for any adults who self-identify as older, to explore hopes, thoughts and desires for the future. 

About this Event

As more people are living longer, there is more future time in older age than ever before. What does this mean for individuals and society more generally? How could and should this time be used? We are interested in what you think about the future and your future. We want to think about what we might desire as well as need as we age.

These are the questions that we will be exploring in this online drama workshop from Active Inquiry. It is part of a larger research project, in partnership with the University of Stirling, exploring hopes, thoughts and desires for the future as we age.

No previous drama experience is necessary, just a willingness to join in and give things a go!

For more information on the workshop, please contact Gavin on gavin@activeinquiry.co.uk

Please note that this workshop will be recorded as part of the Reimagining the Future in Older Age research project. For more information on the research project email Dr Valerie Wright at valerie.wright@stir.ac.uk. 

Once you register, Valerie will be in touch with you to explain more about the workshop and what participation involves

All of these workshops will be recorded as we are making a documentary film about this stage of the project with Rare Bird Media.

*** Please note the research team will not automatically include posts on this website for analysis in the project data but may contact you if they would like to include your comment ***