Stage 2 of our project aims to deconstruct narratives of future time and older age by asking intergenerational reading groups to explore how fictional representations of old age and future time can be used to imagine a society in which older people’s futures are more valued.

We have completed our Intergenerational Online Reading Groups which ran from June to October 2020.
If you’d like to know more about our decision to move the reading groups online and the methodological and practical considerations please read our blog post on this here.
Find out more about some of the books we’ve been reading and what the groups thought here:
Below is the advert we initially posted to aid recruitment:
Does your age influence how you think about the future?
We are interested in finding out about people’s hopes, desires and concerns about the future.
We are setting up an intergenerational online reading group which will meet once a month for five months starting in May 2020.
The novels we read will be yours to keep.
If you are over 18 years old and are interested in participating, please get in touch:
Facebook: ‘Reimagining the Future in Older Age’ @ReimaginingtheFutureinOlderAge
Twitter: @FutureTimesStir

Melanie Lovatt and Valerie Wright

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